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Daystar Quark GeMini Hydrogen Alpha Filter
Daystar Quark GeMini Hydrogen Alpha Filter
Vixen VC200L Sixth-Order Aspherical Cassegrain Telescope
Vixen VC200L Sixth-Order Aspherical Cassegrain Telescope

Specialised telescope which has been engineered to meet the demands of the astro imager.

Pegasus Astro NYX-88 Harmonic Gear Mount
QHY268PH C/M Cooled CMOS Camera
From  £2,280.00
ZWO AM5N Harmonic Equatorial Mount
From  £2,260.00
WarpAstron WD-17 Harmonic Drive Mount
Explore Scientific ED APO 127 f/7.5  FCD-100 Alu HEX OTA
Explore Scientific ED APO 127 f/7.5 FCD-100 Alu HEX OTA
Baader DADOS Slit-Spektrograph
Baader DADOS Slit-Spektrograph

Including 200 line grating and basic accessories

Guide InfraRed IR510C Monocular Handheld Thermal Imager
Guide InfraRed IR510C Monocular Handheld Thermal Imager

An incredibly portable thermal imaging monocular!

Sky-Watcher Esprit-120ED PRO Super APO Triplet Refractor Telescope
From  £2,199.00

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Unistellar eQuinox 2 Smart Telescope
From  £2,199.00
Takahashi FC-100DC F/7.4 Fluorite Doublet Apo Refractor Telescope
From  £2,195.00
Sky-Watcher Skyliner-400P FlexTube Telescope
Sky-Watcher Skyliner-400P FlexTube Telescope

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Founder Optics FOT106 ED 106mm, f/6, Triplet Refractor

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Sharpstar Z4 ED Sextuplet Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Swarovski ATC 17-40x56 Spotting Scope
ZWO ASI2600MC AIR Colour Wireless Smart Camera
Tele Vue TV-85 Telescope
ZWO FF107 f/7 Apochromatic Quintuplet Refractor Telescope
Askar 140APO 140mm f/7 ED APO Triplet Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
From  £2,098.00
William Optics Pleiades 68 f/3.8 7-Element Astrograph
From  £2,098.00

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Takahashi Mewlon-180C F/12 Dall-Kirkham Reflector Telescope
Celestron Advanced VX 6 R Telescope
Celestron Advanced VX 6 R Telescope
Swarovski NL Pure 32mm Binoculars
From  £2,070.00
Atik 383L+ Mono CCD Camera
Atik 383L+ Mono CCD Camera

A dream combination of low-noise electronics and a scientific grade sensor at a fantastic price!

Hyperstar 14 Edge HD
Hyperstar 14 Edge HD
From  £2,049.00

The HyperStar 14 system allows extremely fast, wide-field CCD imaging with the Celestron 14" SCT. 

Starlight Xpress Trius Pro-814 Blue Edition
Starlight Xpress Trius Pro-814 Blue Edition
Sky-Watcher Skymax-180 PRO (EQ6 PRO or EQ6-R PRO SynScan) Telescope
Sky-Watcher Skymax-180 PRO (EQ6 PRO or EQ6-R PRO SynScan) Telescope
From  £2,020.00


QHY247 APS-C CMOS Camera
QHY247 APS-C CMOS Camera

24MP APS-C Cooled Color CMOS Camera

Sky-Watcher Wave-150i Harmonic Mount
From  £1,999.00
Unistellar Odyssey Smart Telescope
William Optics Fluorostar FLT 91 Apochromatic Triplet Refractor Telescope

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Explore Scientific ED 102mm f/7 Carbon FCD-100 Hex-Foc Apochromatic Triplet Refractor Telescope

Highly corrected 102mm air-spaced triplet apochromat (with three lenses) and carbon fibre tube and a 2.5" high-precision HEXAFOC focuser.   

Moravian Instruments G2-8300 Monochrome CCD Camera with KAF-8300 CCD
Moravian Instruments G2-8300 Monochrome CCD Camera with KAF-8300 CCD

Moravian Instruments G2-8300 CCD Camera with Low Noise, High Quantum Efficiency Kodak KAF-8300 CCD Sensor

APM 70mm ED APO Binoculars 45 Degree
APM 70mm ED APO Binoculars 45 Degree
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