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Sky Maps and Atlases

24 Items
The Cambridge Star Atlas
The Cambridge Star Atlas

Ideal for both beginning astronomers and more experienced observers worldwide. The clear, full-color maps show stars, clusters and galaxies visible with binoculars or a small telescope.

Celestron Sky Maps
Celestron Sky Maps

Learn the night skies of the Northern Hemisphere with Celestron Sky Maps!

Philip's Star Chart
Philip's Star Chart

A folded chart showing the stars and constellations of the night sky in three superb maps: the northern and southern hemispheres, and the equatorial region.

Observing the Moon
Observing the Moon

'Hands-on' approach - contains valuable practical advice on observing techniques and how to get the most from your telescope.

Mars Observer's Guide
Mars Observer's Guide

A practical guide to observing Mars, it explains the equipment needed to look at the Red Planet and provides detailed timetables for observing our captivating planetary neighbour.

David Levy's Guide to Variable Stars
David Levy's Guide to Variable Stars

Step by step guide to observing variable stars with a CCD camera Aimed at the complete newcomer to variable stars.

Guide to the Night Sky by Sir Patrick Moore
Guide to the Night Sky by Sir Patrick Moore

In Philip's Guide to the Night Sky, Sir Patrick Moore explains how to find the most famous constellations and the brightest stars, and when to look for them.

The Monthly Sky Guide
The Monthly Sky Guide

An easy-to-use companion for anyone wanting to identify prominent stars, constellations, star clusters, meteor showers, or follow the movement of the planets.

Sky at Night by Sir Patrick Moore
Sky at Night by Sir Patrick Moore

The topics range: space exploration and astrophysics, with essays on Unveiling Saturn and Titan, Galactic Whirlpools, Dobsonian Telescopes, the Transit of Venus, Gamma-Ray Bursters, and the Unseen Universe.

A Walk through the Heavens A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends
A Walk through the Heavens A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends

A Walk through the Heavens is a beautiful and easy-to-use guide to the constellations of the northern hemisphere.

A Walk through the Southern Sky: A Guide to Stars, Constellations and Their Legends
A Walk through the Southern Sky: A Guide to Stars, Constellations and Their Legends

A Walk through the Southern Sky is a beautifully illustrated guide to the stars and constellations of the southern hemisphere.

Deep-Sky Companions: The Messier Objects
Deep-Sky Companions: The Messier Objects

Features improved star charts for helping you find the objects, a much more robust telling of the history behind their discovery - including a glimpse into Messier's fascinating life.

Stargazer Pack North
Stargazer Pack North

Includes a beginner's guide to the major stars and constellations visible with the naked eye, a planisphere, wall chart showing the stars and constellations in three superb colour maps.

Philip's Planisphere (Latitude 51.5 North)
Philip's Planisphere (Latitude 51.5 North)

Designed for use anywhere in Britain and Ireland, Northern Europe, Northern USA and Canada.

Philip's Planisphere (Latitude 32 North)
Philip's Planisphere (Latitude 32 North)

An essential travel accessory for astronomy enthusiasts visiting the USA, North Africa, the Middle East or Southern Japan.

Philip's Planisphere (Latitude 23.5 North)
Philip's Planisphere (Latitude 23.5 North)

An essential travel accessory for astronomy enthusiasts visiting Mexico, the Northern Caribbean, the Gulf States, Northern India or Hong Kong.

Philip's Planisphere (Latitude 35 South)
Philip's Planisphere (Latitude 35 South)

An essential travel accessory for astronomy enthusiasts visiting Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or southern South America.

Philip's Glow-in-the-Dark Planisphere (Latitude 51.5 North)
Philip's Glow-in-the-Dark Planisphere (Latitude 51.5 North)

A fun and practical starfinder designed for use anywhere in Britain and Ireland, Northern Europe, Northern USA and Canada.

Philip's The Urban Astronomy Guide by Robin Scagell
Philip's The Urban Astronomy Guide by Robin Scagell

Philip's The Urban Astronomy Guide will show you how to get the most out of almost any sky with whatever equipment you have, or even with none at all.

The Planet Observer's Handbook
The Planet Observer's Handbook

An informative, up-to-date and well-illustrated guide to planetary observations for amateurs. For each planet and the asteroids, details are given of observational techniques.

Atlas of the Messier Objects
Atlas of the Messier Objects
Celestron Observer's Map of the Moon
Celestron Observer's Map of the Moon
Philip's Moon Map
Philip's Moon Map
Things About Space by Aston Smith
Things About Space by Aston Smith