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Celestron Astro Fi Series Telescopes

Celestron Astro Fi Series Telescopes Banner

Celestron Astro Fi Series Telescope is a fully featured telescope that can be controlled with your smart phone or tablet using the free Celestron SkyPortal app. Celestron’s SkyPortal app replaces the traditional telescope hand control for a 100% wireless experience. Just hold your smart device up to the night sky. When you find an object you’d like to view, tap the screen. Your Astro Fi telescope automatically slews to the object, while the screen displays information about it. It’s never been more fun to explore the universe!

4 Items
Celestron Astro Fi 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron Astro Fi 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron Astro Fi 130mm Newtonian Telescope
Celestron Astro Fi 130mm Newtonian Telescope
Celestron Astro Fi 127mm Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron Astro Fi 127mm Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope
Please Call to Confirm the Price
Celestron Skyportal WiFi Module for IOS and Android

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Celestron Astro Fi Series Telescopes for Astronomy

The Astro Fi creates its own wireless connection, so it can communicate with your device even in remote locations where WiFi or cellular networks aren’t available. Getting ready to observe is quick and painless thanks to Celestron’s award-winning SkyAlign technology. Center any three bright objects in the eyepiece, and your telescope calculates its position. You can even generate a Sky Tour of all the best celestial objects to view based on your exact time and location.