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Celestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes

Celestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes Banner

Celestron’s engineering team applied their years of experience designing German Equatorial mounts to the all-new CGX, a culmination of all the advancements made to our technologies. By refocusing our design efforts and anticipating the needs of today’s visual observers and astroimagers, Celestron has achieved a new level of "state-of-the-art" with the all new CGX German equatorial mount. Compact. Solid. Innovative. Totally redesigned with a lower profile, CGX is sturdier and more rigid than its predecessors with several new innovative features and new control software ideally suited for automation and remote operation.

11 Items
Celestron CGX Equatorial 800 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 800 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 9.25 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 9.25 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 800 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 800 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope


Celestron CGX Equatorial 9.25 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 9.25 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX 800 RASA Telescope
Celestron CGX 700 Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial Mount and Tripod
Celestron CGX Equatorial Mount and Tripod

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Celestron StarSense AutoAlign
Celestron StarSense AutoAlign

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Celestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes

  • All-new design. Sturdier and more rigid with quicker dampening timeCelestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes Sky at Night
  • Increased load capacity to 55 lbs.
  • Improved motors provide more torque, better slewing and tracking under heavy loads

Heavy Duty belt-drive system minimizes backlash while providing smooth motor operation under heavy loads 

Celestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes Mount Belt System

  • Spring-loaded brass worm wheel and stainless steel worm gear reduce friction and provide optimum gear mesh
  • Internal cabling for worry-free remote operation. Power input and accessory ports remain stationary while the mount slews to avoid snags
  • Internal optical sensors on both axes for simple and safe remote operation
  • Internal hard stops for both axes prevents cable tension and tripod strike

Celestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes Mount Hard StopsCelestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes Mount Sensors

  • Home sensors allow the mount to always start in the index position regardless of orientation before a power reset
  • Limit sensors automatically shut off slewing or tracking before reaching the hard stop fail safe
  • Brand new control software developed in conjunction with PlaneWave Instruments for professional level control operation and imaging
  • Software includes multi-point mount modeling for extremely precise pointing accuracy and many more additional features for remote astroimaging
  • Wider tripod stance for improved stability
  • Adjustable EQ head position to optimize center of gravity over the tripod and fully utilize the increased 3º-65º latitude range
  • Dual-fit CG-5/Vixen and CGE/Losmandy dovetail saddle

Celestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes Mount Saddle


Celestron CGX Equatorial Mount Tripod

  • 2" steel legs with height index marks for quick leveling
  • "Jack of all trays" can hold three 1.25" eyepieces, two 2" eyepieces, your smartphone, or other accessories
  • +20º of additional tracking past the meridian on either side
  • Tripod legs can be collapsed with accessory tray installed for faster setup and transport




  • Two handles for easy pickup and transport
  • All-new ergonomically designed dovetail clamping knobs
  • Innovative and improved polar alignment adjustment system
  • All-new ergonomic latitude adjuster for smooth and easy adjustment under full loads
  • Optional add-on polar axis finderscope - coming soon

Celestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes Mount HandleCelestron CGX Equatorial Telescopes Mount Alignment


  • All-new NexStar+ hand control with USB port
  • Two AUX accessory ports to support wireless/WiFi alignment and operation with StarSense AutoAlign and SkyPortal WiFi Module accessories (sold separately)
  • USB 2.0 port, used to connect directly to PC with included software
  • Autoguider port
  • PPEC ready
  • Threaded 12VDC power input barrel connector
  • Internal Real Time Clock (keeps time and site information saved)