Beginners Telescopes
We will be happy to helpyou to choose the bestFirst Telescope forAstronomy for you.Please contact uson 01353776199 are here to help!
Baader 2″ Four-in-One M68 (Zeiss) / 2.7″ (A.P.) / M60 (Vixen) / M56 (Synta) Adaptor
This economical eight-piece eyepiece and filter accessory kit enhances the performance of your Celestron AstroMaster.
In stock!.
Top line 39" (sloping) , major height 60" (vertical), minor height 40", width 18".
Very smooth movement feeling with bearing design, only 19 mm thick and weight 200g. Suitable for use with any CCD camera!
Combination of a Stainless steel 1kg Leveling weight that is fitted with a V clamp.
For Solar observation with telescopes, binoculars or camera lenses. Reduces the intensity of sunlight by 99.999%.
The secret of good planetary images, the IR-Pass filter can greatly improve image sharpness by reducing the effects of seeing.
Drastically improves contrast for all reflector telescopes, without loss of brightness!
Baader's newest addition for Achromat owners
Gerd Neumann's Ronchi Eyepiece employs a chrome-on-glass grating of 5 lines per millimetre, providing a high-contrast display of starlight that enables good analysis of the optical train.
The Aurora Flatfield Panel is a new light source technology for taking flat field images for use in calibration with digital images.
On the input side of the accessory there is an internal T-2 thread to connect it to other T-2 threaded accessories.
The Celestron CGE Universal Mounting Plate is a basic accessory that allows you to attach a wide range of telescope accessories to the mounting platform of a CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM or CGEM-DX mount.
Provides an upright image with completely corrected left/right image orientation.
Mid-Sized GEM Mounted up to 58" tube Length.
19" diameter, 30" height
Increases magnification to 45x when inserted between prism and eyepiece.
Premium x3 Barlow Lens consisting of four lens elements.
90" circumference, 69" height.
Sky background is darker, and contrast of emission nebulae are noticeably improved.
The Astronomik CLS blocks the light of the spectral lines of mercury and sodium-vapor lamps and lets the largest part of the visible light and H-alpha emissions pass.
The different spectral window of each new Luminance filters is designed to tune your setup to get the sharpest image from any optical design and any camera.