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Sky-Watcher Coma Corrector (2'') for Newtonian Reflectors
Sky-Watcher Coma Corrector (2") for Newtonian Reflectors

Optimised for all Sky-Watcher fast-ratio f/5 Newtonian Reflectors / Dobsonians, with 2” focuser.

Sky-Watcher EQ2 Equatorial Mount
Sky-Watcher EQ2 Equatorial Mount

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Tele Vue Plossl 32mm Eyepiece
Tele Vue Plossl 32mm Eyepiece
Tele Vue Plossl 40mm Eyepiece
Tele Vue Plossl 40mm Eyepiece
ZWO ASI120mm Mini USB2.0 Monochrome Small format CMOS Camera with AutoGuider Port

Comes with an AUTOGUIDER PORT so you may use it for planetary imaging or when you take images of deep sky with another camera.

Primaluce Lab Side by Side Vixen Plates PLUS - Dual Platform
Primaluce Lab Side by Side Vixen Plates PLUS - Dual Platform
From  £152.00
PrimaLuce Lab Telescope Adapters for Esatto 4''
PrimaLuce Lab Telescope Adapters for Esatto 4"
From  £149.50
Primaluce Lab EAGLE CORE - Control Unit for Astrophotography with dSLR Camera

The EAGLE CORE is designed for those who start to do astrophotography and are searching for a very simple to use system or for those who want an easily transportable system as "travel telescope".

Celestron Digital Microscope Imager 5Mp
Celestron Digital Microscope Imager 5Mp

The Celestron Digital Microscope Imager allows you to view and/or capture snapshot images or video with your microscope and your computer. 

Orion USA 8-Slot 1.25'' Filter Slider
Orion USA 8-Slot 1.25" Filter Slider

Quickly switch between up to eight 1.25" eyepiece filters with this handy 8-Slot Filter Slider attachment.

STF 2'' Achromatic Reducer 0.8x
STF 2" Achromatic Reducer 0.8x

STF 2" Reducers can be used with Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes which feature with focal plane extension not less than 180 mm.

Celestron Luminos Eyepieces
Celestron Luminos Eyepieces
From  £149.00

The Luminos series eyepieces offer a wide 82º field of view in both high power and low power models, allowing you to make the most of your telescope, whether you own a short, fast refractor or a Celestron EdgeHD telescope.

Kendrick 12V DC Active USB 3.0 Hub
Kendrick 12V DC Active USB 3.0 Hub
Large SolarScope for Solar Observing
Large SolarScope for Solar Observing

Assembled tool size: 600 x 450 x 380 mm. Observation screen size: 340 x 340 mm. Sun's image size on the projection screen: diameter 115 mm

Opticron BGA Roof Prism Monocular
Opticron BGA Roof Prism Monocular
From  £149.00

Opticron BGA monoculars deliver a viewing experience akin to a pair of standard size roof prism binoculars in a pocket size instrument measuring only 43x136mm.

Sky-Watcher AZ3 Alt-Azimuth Mount
Sky-Watcher AZ3 Alt-Azimuth Mount

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Sky-Watcher Enhanced Dual-AXIS Motor Drive for EQ3-2 Mount
Sky-Watcher Enhanced Dual-AXIS Motor Drive for EQ3-2 Mount


Sky-Watcher Enhanced Dual-AXIS Motor Drive for EQ5 Mount
Sky-Watcher Enhanced Dual-AXIS Motor Drive for EQ5 Mount


Sky-Watcher Eyepiece, Filter, Night Vision Torch Set
Sky-Watcher Eyepiece, Filter, Night Vision Torch Set
Sky-Watcher Guidescope Mount
Sky-Watcher Guidescope Mount

Features full alt-azimuth control for quick and precise alignment of guidescope with main telescope. 

Starry Night Pro 7 Astronomy Software
Starry Night Pro 7 Astronomy Software

All the tools you need - events finder, computerized telescope control, observation planner, customizable equipment list, built-in ephemeris generator, printable 180-degree star charts - are at your fingertips.

Tabletop Projection Screen
Tabletop Projection Screen

Incredibly light weight at only 1.65kg,

Pegasus eXternal Motor Controller
Pegasus eXternal Motor Controller
Sky-Watcher M48 Field Flattener for ESPRIT-ED Triplet Refractors
Sky-Watcher M48 Field Flattener for ESPRIT-ED Triplet Refractors
From  £145.00
Tele Vue Quick-Release Finder Mount (QFM-1008)
Tele Vue Quick-Release Finder Mount (QFM-1008)

Quick-release type universal finder mount allows the use of 50-mm finder scopes on TeleVue ring-mounts.

Tele Vue Ring Mounts, Satin (RS3-8003 and RS4-8004)
Tele Vue Ring Mounts, Satin (RS3-8003 and RS4-8004)
From  £145.00

For TV-76, TV-85 or any telescope with outside tube diameter of exactly 3-inches.

Tele Vue TV-60 X-Y Mount kit SCT
Tele Vue TV-60 X-Y Mount kit SCT

X-Y Adjustable Mount System for quick installation of TeleVue 60 to Schmidt- Cassegrain scopes 8" or larger for use as a "superfinder", or to attach to a TeleVue Ring Mount.

Telegizmos Cover for 12'' - 14'' SCT Telescopes on fork Mount (T314)
Telegizmos Cover for 12" - 14" SCT Telescopes on fork Mount (T314)

71" circumference, 54" height.

ZWO CCD LRGB Filter-Set Optimised for ZWO ASI1600 Cameras
ZWO CCD LRGB Filter-Set Optimised for ZWO ASI1600 Cameras
From  £142.00
Optolong Venus-U Filter
Optolong Venus-U Filter
From  £140.00
Celestron Illuminated 9x50 RACI FinderScope
Celestron Illuminated 9x50 RACI FinderScope

9x50 Right Angle Correct Image Illuminated Finder is a great upgrade!

Celestron Nexstar+ Hand Control USB AZ
Celestron Nexstar+ Hand Control USB AZ

This hand control includes USB Flash Upgradeable Technology, allowing users to upgrade its software with Celestron Firmware Manager.

Celestron Nexstar+ Hand Control USB EQ
Celestron Nexstar+ Hand Control USB EQ

This hand control includes USB Flash Upgradeable Technology, allowing users to upgrade its software with Celestron Firmware Manager.

Celestron Skymaster 25x70 Binocular
Celestron Skymaster 25x70 Binocular

Celestron has designed and engineered the larger SkyMaster models to meet the special demands of extended astronomical or terrestrial viewing sessions.

Gerd Neumann CTU Camera Tilt Units
Gerd Neumann CTU Camera Tilt Units
From  £139.00

Camera Tilt Unit will solve most problems associated with tilted focal planes that result from subtle miss alignments between camera and scope.

Lunt Transport Case for LS50THa and LS35THa
Lunt Transport Case for LS50THa and LS35THa
QHY 5L-II Colour Imaging/Guiding Camera
QHY 5L-II Colour Imaging/Guiding Camera

A high sensitivity CMOS Guide/Planetary camera

QSI 2.156'' Adapter Kit (WSG Only)
QSI 2.156" Adapter Kit (WSG Only)
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