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Lunt LS80MT 80mm MultiPurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
Lunt LS80MT 80mm MultiPurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
From  £6,398.00
Starlight Xpress Trius SX-56 Mono CCD Camera
Starlight Xpress Trius SX-56 Mono CCD Camera
Explore Scientific Ultra Light 20'' Dobsonian Telescope
Explore Scientific Ultra Light 20" Dobsonian Telescope

If you're looking for a telescope that will actually delivery the types of deep sky views you've been dreaming of without the necessity for permanent observatory mounting - then the Explore Scientific Ultra Light Dobson 20" f/3.6 GENERATION II could be fo

Celestron CGX-L Equatorial 9.25'' EDGE HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX-L Equatorial 9.25" EDGE HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX-L Equatorial 11'' Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX-L Equatorial 11" Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Atik APX60 Cooled CMOS Camera
QSI 6162 16mp Cooled CCD Camera
QSI 6162 16mp Cooled CCD Camera
From  £6,749.00
ScopeDome 2M Observatory Dome - Manual
Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Avalon M-UNO Single fork Equatorial Mount
Avalon M-UNO Single fork Equatorial Mount
From  £6,199.00
Avalon M-UNO-D Black Mount
Avalon M-UNO-D Black Mount
From  £6,199.00
Sky-Watcher EQ8-Rh Pro SynScan Equatorial Mount
From  £5,995.00
Takahashi TOA-130NS F/7.7 Triplet Apo Refractor Telescope
Takahashi TOA-130NS F/7.7 Triplet Apo Refractor Telescope
From  £5,995.00
Vixen VSD90ss Astrograph
QSI 760 Cooled CMOS Camera
From  £5,873.00
Celestron CGX-L Equatorial 9.25'' Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX-L Equatorial 9.25" Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CPC Deluxe 1100 HD Telescope
Celestron CPC Deluxe 1100 HD Telescope

The largest aperture of the CPC Deluxe HD series, the CPC Deluxe 1100 HD telescope has the most light-gathering power; almost 90% more than the 8" model and over 40% more than the 9.25".

Celestron CGX Equatorial 9.25 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 9.25 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
fornax 52 Heavy Duty Equatorial Mount
From  £5,499.00
Sky-Watcher Stargate-500P SynScan 508mm 20'' f4 Parabolic Truss-Tube Computerised Go To Dobsonian Latest Improved Version
Sky-Watcher Stargate-500P SynScan 508mm 20" f4 Parabolic Truss-Tube Computerised Go To Dobsonian Latest Improved Version

The new definition of "Light bucket".

Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
HOBYM Observatory Crux 170HD Harmonic Drive Mount
Avalon M-zeta Alt-Azimuth Mount
Avalon M-zeta Alt-Azimuth Mount
From  £5,099.00
Avalon Linear German Equatorial Mount
Avalon Linear German Equatorial Mount
From  £4,999.00
APM 120mm Super ED (FPL53) APO Binoculars
From  £4,899.00
Takahashi Epsilon-180ED F/2.8 Astrograph Reflector Telescope
Takahashi Epsilon-180ED F/2.8 Astrograph Reflector Telescope
From  £4,895.00
Vixen VSD100 f3.8 Astrograph Telescope & Flight Case
Vixen VSD100 f3.8 Astrograph Telescope & Flight Case

An ultra-fast refractor designed for discerning astrophotographers featuring a 5 element optical design.

Celestron CGX 700 Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope
Starlight Xpress Trius SX36 Mono CCD Camera
Starlight Xpress Trius SX36 Mono CCD Camera
Celestron 11" EdgeHD OTA
Celestron CGX 800 RASA Telescope
Borg 107FL f/3.9 Astrograph with Feather Touch Focuser Set
QHY367C -- 36MP 36mm*24mm Full Size Cooled CMOS Camera
QHY367C -- 36MP 36mm*24mm Full Size Cooled CMOS Camera

36MP 36mm*24mm Full Size Cooled CMOS Camera

Celestron 11" Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA 11) V2 OTA
Avalon M-Zero Observatory Mount
From  £4,649.00
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