Beginners Telescopes
We will be happy to helpyou to choose the bestFirst Telescope forAstronomy for you.Please contact uson 01353776199 are here to help!
The tube length has been slightly shortened to optimise performance for prime-focus photography.
The unit is fitted with a single IR illuminator for use in very low light/total darkness.
Paracorr - more stars, sharper stars, more time to observe.
The unit is fitted with two independent infrared illuminators for long and short range detection in very low light/total darkness.
Made entirely from anodized aluminum with stainless steel hardware, the low weight and high stability of these tripods make them the ideal companion for travelling observers and Astro-photographers.
This scanner is the ideal device for high-resolution digitalization of your slides and negatives.
In Stock!
In stock! - Superior 70mm F7.1 Maksutov with optics designed and optimized for CCD photography.
The Baader Herschel Safety Wedge Solar Prism provides the best white light solar views obtainable!
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First batch expected in December! Pre-order now!
Outstanding, high-performance, high-resolution instruments manufactured to high standards of optical and mechanical precision.
In stock now!
Monochrome astronomy camera without IR cut filter.
The professional-level Celestron TetraView LCD Digital Microscope is a touchscreen LCD microscope with advanced features at a reasonable price.
A reducer, as its name implies, "reduces" the focal length of your telescope by a set factor.